Contact JUDITH


Judith is trying to spend more time with her grandchildren, and less time on email.

If you're inquiring about workshops, please check Judith's Calendar first.

For support with digital courses, please contact Millennial in Chief, Lizzie Lasater directly.

Big namaste.



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Complete Calendar

Filtering by: International

to Apr 11

Relax and Renew® Level 1 in London

We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to rest. Restorative Yoga poses help us learn to relax and rest deeply and completely. During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the body are benefited, and a few of the measurable results of relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure and the improvement of immune function, as well as improvement in digestion, fertility, elimination, and the reduction of muscle tension and generalized fatigue.
In this 30-hour Level 1 workshop, you will learn the art and skill of teaching Restorative Yoga. All aspects of the subject will be covered, including the physiology of relaxation, the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of Restorative Yoga, special poses for menstruation, pregnancy and menopause, and how to sequence and teach a class in Restorative Yoga. At this time, more than 900 teachers have been trained in Restorative Yoga in the United States, Japan, Canada and England.

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to Mar 26

Relax and Renew® Level 2 in London

Participants must have completed Relax & Renew®: Learning to Teach Restorative Yoga: Level 1 with Judith Hanson Lasater and currently hold a Relax and Renew® Trainer certificate before registering for the Level 2 course. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS PREREQUISITE.
Those who teach Restorative Yoga frequently discover the amazing power of this practice. Building on the basics you learned in Level 1, this 30-hour training will cover the more complex and therapeutic aspects of teaching Restorative yoga. The workshop will include a section focusing on the therapeutic aspects of inversions. We will also work with poses that may benefit anxiety, depression, infertility, dysmennorrhea and other conditions.

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to Sep 23

Living Your Yoga in Iceland

What we do "on the mat" is given perspective by how we live our lives off the mat. In this workshop we will use short discussion from the Yoga Sutra, active asana practice, as well as Restorative yoga, pranayama and meditation to create a juicy and livable practice to take home.

The first class each day will focus on "active practice", moving, strengthening, and working with awareness. Included will be such poses as standing poses and backbends.

After a short break, we will return to the mat for a "quiet" practice of meditation, pranayama and Restorative yoga. This well-rounded practice will serve to center and inspire us as we open our hearts to living well in the world.

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to Apr 15

Relax and Renew® Level 1 in London

We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to rest. Restorative Yoga poses help us learn to relax and rest deeply and completely. During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the body are benefited, and a few of the measurable results of relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure and the improvement of immune function, as well as improvement in digestion, fertility, elimination, and the reduction of muscle tension and generalized fatigue.
In this 30-hour Level 1 workshop, you will learn the art and skill of teaching Restorative Yoga. All aspects of the subject will be covered, including the physiology of relaxation, the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of Restorative Yoga, special poses for menstruation, pregnancy and menopause, and how to sequence and teach a class in Restorative Yoga. At this time, more than 900 teachers have been trained in Restorative Yoga in the United States, Japan, Canada and England.

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to Mar 28

Moving Toward the Center: Pranayama Intensive in London

But our special focus will be on pranayama, the practice that uses the breath as a vehicle to carry us “toward our center” in a subtle and powerful way.

Both our Active and Restorative poses will therefore be selected specifically to open us to our breathing. While it is not well-known, in traditional yoga training pranayama practice was much more important than asana practice. We will approach the topic first from breathing awareness techniques that are suitable for all levels of students, and then move into traditional pranayama practice. Classic yoga teachings state that pranayama is the gateway to meditation.

In addition to the classical techniques of practice, we will explore ourselves through discussion, short writing assignments, and the cultivation of an introspective attitude.

This intensive is for you if:

  • You regularly practice pranayama.
  • You do not presently practice pranayama regularly but really want to.
  • You are curious about the effects of the regular practice of pranayama.
  • You want to understand better the relationship of the effects of asana on pranayama practice.
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to Apr 3

Experiential Anatomy in London

Please register directly with YogaCampus beginning September 2016.

Deeply understanding the anatomy and movement principles of the body is an invaluable tool for yoga teachers and serious students. Not only does it help your teaching, it also enriches your own practice.

In this workshop we will practice Active and Quiet poses. But our work will be focused around learning specific anatomy by first feeling it in our bodies and seeing it in other bodies. Often participants in this workshop realize they already know a lot about anatomy because they feel it bodily rather than have the ability to verbalize it. The important next step is that we we will uncover together he movement principles (kinesiology) and be able to name the anatomical parts that are moving. It really doesn't help, for example, to know where the biceps muscle is if you don't understand how it works in various ways and with various other muscles. Our practice is about the moving, NOT static body.

Not only will we stretch the hamstrings, for example, but we will also learn exactly where they attach and what exactly it is they do in the body besides make forward bends challenging.

The required text will be Judith’s book, Yogabody: Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Asana, which will be available for sale at the workshop.

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to Nov 18

Experiential Anatomy in Vancouver, BC

  • Vancouver, BC Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please register directly with the studio.

Deeply understanding the anatomy and movement principles of the body is an invaluable tool for yoga teachers and serious students. Not only does it help your teaching, it also enriches your own practice.

In this workshop we will practice both Active and Quiet poses. Our work will focus on learning specific anatomy by first feeling it in our bodies and then seeing it in others. Often participants in this workshop realize they already know much about anatomy because of body awareness gained through practice, yet haven’t learned the corresponding anatomical terms and theory.

Together, we we will uncover and explore movement principles (kinesiology) and their applications, and name the anatomical parts that are moving. It really doesn’t help, for example, to know where the biceps muscle is if you don’t understand how it works in various ways and with various other muscles. Our practice is about the moving, NOT the static, body.

Not only will we stretch the hamstrings, for example, but we will also learn exactly where they attach and what exactly it is they do in the body besides make forward bends challenging.

This intensive pulls from the vast depth and breadth of Judith’s knowledge and expertise gained through 40+ years as a yoga teacher and physiotherapist. She has worked with tens of thousands of students, and thus can offer a well of experience comparable to none. She truly is an incredible resource for anyone wanting to better understand anatomy and biomechanics as it applies to yoga asana.

Required text: Yogabody: Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Asana by Judith Hanson Lasater. Please read at least the first chapter prior to the workshop.

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to Jul 15

One True Thing in Alberta, Canada

  • Yoga for Today Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Discussions and practice will point us toward a deep Self inquiry. What values shape our practice, our teaching, our life? What is the best guide to deepening our sense of profound bodily and emotional ease?

We will focus on and feed our yoga practice because it is the foundation to becoming who we already are. 

We we will begin each day with a practice intention and a short talk and discussion on the theme of One True Thing. 

Then the first practice session every day will focus on Active poses, as well as how to develop a series of poses that gradually take you deeper.

The afternoon sessions will focus on Quiet Practice, including Restorative yoga, pranayama and meditation. This afternoon practice will help us learn how to elicit stillness and contentment within us.

Highly recommended reading for the training is:The Zen Commandments: Ten Suggestions for a Life of Inner Freedom by Dean Sluyter.

Please register directly with  Yoga for Today Studio:
Tel: 780/416 4211

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to Apr 17

Relax and Renew® Level 2: Therapeutic Applications of Restorative Yoga in London

Participants must have completed Level 1 Relax & Renew®: Learning to Teach Restorative Yoga with Judith Hanson Lasater and currently hold a Relax and Renew® Trainer certificate before registering for the Advanced course. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS PREREQUISITE.

Those who teach Restorative yoga frequently discover the amazing power of this practice. Building on the basics you learned in Level 1, this 25-hour training will cover the more complex and therapeutic aspects of teaching Restorative yoga.

The workshop will include a section focusing on the therapeutic aspects of inversions. We will also work with poses that may benefit anxiety, depression, infertility, dysmennorrhea and other conditions.

(please note: students MUST have completed Relax and Renew® Level 1 and received a Certificate of Completion in order to take this workshop. No exceptions.)

Please register directly with Yoga Campus

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to Apr 6

Relax and Renew® Level 1: Learning to Teach Restorative Yoga in London

We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to rest. Restorative yoga poses help us learn to relax and rest deeply and completely, During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the body are benefited, and a few of the measurable results of deep relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure, serum triglycerides and blood sugar levels in the blood, the increase of the "good cholesterol" levels, as well as improvement in digestion, fertility, elimination, the reduction of muscle tension, insomnia and generalized fatigue.

In this 25 hour Training we will learn the art and skill of teaching Restorative yoga. All aspects of the subject will be covered, including the physiology of relaxation, as well as the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the subject, including special poses for menstruation, pregnancy and menopause, and how to sequence and teach a class in Restorative yoga. At this time, more than 2000 teachers have been trained in Restorative yoga in the United States, Japan, Canada and England.

Please register directly with Yoga Campus.

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to Apr 26

Relax and Renew®: Learning to Teach Restorative Yoga, Level 1 in Montreal

We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to rest. Restorative yoga poses help us learn to relax and rest deeply and completely, During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the body are benefited, and a few of the measurable results of deep relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure, serum triglycerides and blood sugar levels in the blood, the increase of the "good cholesterol" levels, as well as improvement in digestion, fertility, elimination, the reduction of muscle tension, insomnia and generalized fatigue.

In this 25 hour Training we will learn the art and skill of teaching Restorative yoga. All aspects of the subject will be covered, including the physiology of relaxation, as well as the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the subject, including special poses for menstruation, pregnancy and menopause, and how to sequence and teach a class in Restorative yoga. At this time, more than 2000 teachers have been trained in Restorative yoga in the United States, Japan, Canada and England.

Please register here.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Theory and Practice of Restorative Yoga in Munich, Germany

For teachers, teachers in training, and serious students

This class will offer some of the physiological theory about why we so desperately need to relax deeply everyday. We will also discuss the philosophy behind Restorative yoga, and some important techniques for teaching it as well. We will finish the class with some practice of our own.

Please register here.

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to Mar 20

Embodying Empathy: Active and Restorative Practice in London

  • Yogacampus Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Understanding and practicing empathy for yourself and others is probably the most important skill we can have as yoga practitioners, family members, and world citizens.Empathy connects us to ourselves, to others and to the world at large, and can shape our conversations, interactions and all our relationships.

To embody empathy is to embody the yamas and nyamas, to begin to “be” yoga instead of just “doing” yoga.

But how do we actually make empathy our default response to each situation, whether that situation is an asana or a conversation with a loved one?

How can we use our yoga practice both to create and express this empathetic approach to life?

Learning to do this is a process which requires deep self-inquiry and the willingness to be a bit fearless and vulnerable with ourselves. The rewards, however, are enormous.

Through discussion, some written work, and active and restorative asana practice, we will explore this topic together.

More information available here.

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to Mar 17

Relax and Renew®: Learning to Teach Restorative Yoga, Level 1 in London

  • Yogacampus (The Hellenic Center) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to rest. Restorative yoga postures help us learn to relax and rest deeply and completely, During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the body are benefited. A few of the measurable results of relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure and the improvement of immune function, as well as improvement in digestion, fertility, elimination and the reduction of muscle tension and general fatigue.

Judith Hanson Lasater is credited with establishing restorative yoga as a modern yogic discipline and has taught Restorative Yoga teacher trainings around the world since 2001. Her Yogacampus intensives invariably sell out quickly. In this yoga intensive we will learn the art and skill of teaching restorative yoga. With Judith and her team of assistants, we will cover all aspects of the subject, including the physiology of relaxation, the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of restorative yoga, special postures for menstruation, pregnancy and menopause, how to adapt postures for individual needs, and how to sequence and teach a restorative yoga class. Each session will be highly practical, giving you the chance to practise a range of restorative postures, as well as including lots of hands-on adjustments and discussion.

More information available here.

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to Feb 7

Yoga for Anxiety, Anger & Depression

  • Vancouver, BC Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our yoga practice is the key to becoming “who we are” and not just “something we do”. Practicing not only shapes our life, it informs our teaching on the most fundamental levels.

Many people in our culture suffer from anxiety, anger and/or depression. This training will combine the Western theories about these conditions with a brief introduction to what Ayurveda (the Indian science of medicine) teaches about them as well. We will practice the asanas and the pranayamas that can be of huge benefit.

We will begin each day with a practice intention and a short interactive discussion. The first session every day will focus on the practice of Active Poses, on how to sequence them effectively for Anxiety, Anger and Depression, as well as how to develop a series of poses that gradually take you deeper into the practice.

The afternoon sessions will focus on Quiet Practice, including Restorative yoga, pranayama and meditation. The afternoon practice will help us learn just how to use our practices to elicit stillness and contentment within ourselves and how to help others.

Throughout both practice sessions, Judith will focus on some of her current interests in such topics as: what it means to practice from the Feminine (whether you are male or female), how to “be” and not just “do”, and the absolute necessity that we learn to practice from a place of vulnerability and surrender even in the most active poses.

Please register here.

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