Contact JUDITH


Judith is trying to spend more time with her grandchildren, and less time on email.

If you're inquiring about workshops, please check Judith's Calendar first.

For support with digital courses, please contact Millennial in Chief, Lizzie Lasater directly.

Big namaste.



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Embodying Empathy: Active and Restorative Practice in London

  • Yogacampus Training Center 1 Britannia Row London, N1 8QH United Kingdom (map)

Understanding and practicing empathy for yourself and others is probably the most important skill we can have as yoga practitioners, family members, and world citizens.Empathy connects us to ourselves, to others and to the world at large, and can shape our conversations, interactions and all our relationships.

To embody empathy is to embody the yamas and nyamas, to begin to “be” yoga instead of just “doing” yoga.

But how do we actually make empathy our default response to each situation, whether that situation is an asana or a conversation with a loved one?

How can we use our yoga practice both to create and express this empathetic approach to life?

Learning to do this is a process which requires deep self-inquiry and the willingness to be a bit fearless and vulnerable with ourselves. The rewards, however, are enormous.

Through discussion, some written work, and active and restorative asana practice, we will explore this topic together.

More information available here.