Contact JUDITH


Judith is trying to spend more time with her grandchildren, and less time on email.

If you're inquiring about workshops, please check Judith's Calendar first.

For support with digital courses, please contact Millennial in Chief, Lizzie Lasater directly.

Big namaste.



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Yoga for Anxiety, Anger & Depression

  • Vancouver, BC Canada (map)

Our yoga practice is the key to becoming “who we are” and not just “something we do”. Practicing not only shapes our life, it informs our teaching on the most fundamental levels.

Many people in our culture suffer from anxiety, anger and/or depression. This training will combine the Western theories about these conditions with a brief introduction to what Ayurveda (the Indian science of medicine) teaches about them as well. We will practice the asanas and the pranayamas that can be of huge benefit.

We will begin each day with a practice intention and a short interactive discussion. The first session every day will focus on the practice of Active Poses, on how to sequence them effectively for Anxiety, Anger and Depression, as well as how to develop a series of poses that gradually take you deeper into the practice.

The afternoon sessions will focus on Quiet Practice, including Restorative yoga, pranayama and meditation. The afternoon practice will help us learn just how to use our practices to elicit stillness and contentment within ourselves and how to help others.

Throughout both practice sessions, Judith will focus on some of her current interests in such topics as: what it means to practice from the Feminine (whether you are male or female), how to “be” and not just “do”, and the absolute necessity that we learn to practice from a place of vulnerability and surrender even in the most active poses.

Please register here.

Earlier Event: January 28
Advanced Restorative Yoga
Later Event: February 10
Author Event - What We Say Matters