Contact JUDITH


Judith is trying to spend more time with her grandchildren, and less time on email.

If you're inquiring about workshops, please check Judith's Calendar first.

For support with digital courses, please contact Millennial in Chief, Lizzie Lasater directly.

Big namaste.



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Author Event - What We Say Matters

  • Book Passage 51 Tamal Vista Blvd Corte Madera, CA, 94925 United States (map)

For yoga teacher Judith Hanson Lasater and mediator Ike K. Lasater, language is a spiritual practice based on giving and receiving with compassion. In What We Say Matters: Practicing Nonviolent Communication, they offer new and nurturing ways of communicating. Long-term students of yoga and Buddhism, the authors here blend the yoga principle of satya (truth) and the Buddhist precept of right speech with Marshall Rosenberg's groundbreaking techniques of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in a fresh formula for promoting peace at home, at work, and in the world. The authors offer practical exercises to help readers in any field learn to diffuse anger, make requests rather than demands or assign blame, understand the difference between feelings and needs, recognize how they strategize to get needs met, choose connection over conflict, and extend empathy to themselves and others.

This event is co-sponsored by: Bay Area Non-Violent Communication

Read more here.

Earlier Event: February 5
Yoga for Anxiety, Anger & Depression
Later Event: February 18
Advanced Restorative Yoga