Contact JUDITH


Judith is trying to spend more time with her grandchildren, and less time on email.

If you're inquiring about workshops, please check Judith's Calendar first.

For support with digital courses, please contact Millennial in Chief, Lizzie Lasater directly.

Big namaste.



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Rest and Silence near Kansas City

  • The Yoga Studio 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS 66214 USA (map)

Rest and Silence: Practicing from Stillness, Spaciousness & Ease

“One of the greatest lacks in our life is, paradoxically, “nothing,” writes Judith Hanson Lasater.

“We rarely take time to just be, to rest, to feel silence, to hear our deepest heart’s longing. We are just too busy, too occupied, too distracted, too over-scheduled.

We try so many strategies: new calendars, to-do lists, New Year’s resolutions, endless promises to ourselves to do less. But we don’t.”

This year our annual workshop will focus as usual on our yoga practice in both Active and Restorative Practice, blending the rewarding work of payanayama and meditation into the mix.

This year, our overarching theme will be to add to our practice the reason why we avoid deep rest and silence.