Contact JUDITH


Judith is trying to spend more time with her grandchildren, and less time on email.

If you're inquiring about workshops, please check Judith's Calendar first.

For support with digital courses, please contact Millennial in Chief, Lizzie Lasater directly.

Big namaste.



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Experiential Anatomy at Mount Madonna

  • Mount Madona Center Watsonville, CA USA (map)

Experiential Anatomy: The Most Fun Anatomy Course Ever
(for Yoga Teachers and Serious Students)

January 11 – 15, 2016
Mount Madonna Center, Watsonville, CA 

Experiential Anatomy for yoga teachers and serious students is unlike most anatomy classes.

We do not start with learning lists of anatomical facts; instead we start with what you already know: asana practice.

From asana, we extrapolate the anatomical and kinesiological priciples
that you have experienced in your body. We just give names to what you already have felt and “know in your bones”.

This 25-hour course is all about practical knowledge. We focus on learning what helps us practice with awareness and teach with confidence.

Many students have offered the feedback that this course was not only interesting and fun, but provided a firm basis for their teaching.


Is this course for me?

~If you have been shy about studying anatomy, this course is for you.

~If you have felt bored at the very thought of studying anatomy, this course is for you. 

~If you have felt excited about learning anatomy, but the only courses near you are just academic and lack a practical focus for yoga teachers, this course is for you. 

~If you have studied anatomy, and just want a refresher with a yoga emphasis, this course is for you.



We will gather at Mount Madonna Center, just outside of Watsonville, CA, in a sylvan setting based around spiritual practice. (nearest airport: San Jose International Airport, San Jose, CA; also San Francisco International Airport, but the SF airport is 1.5 hours away by car from MMC).

We will practice in a large airy beautiful room for yoga and learning.

I have been teaching at MMC since the 1980’s, and love going back there.

Come join us to learn and be part of our “anatomy community” for this five day workshop. Let someone else cook; let someone else clean up.

Let yourself settle into a supportive retreat setting with yoga teachers from many different parts of the country, and focus on learning more about the art of teaching and practicing this yoga we all love so much.



Send a check or money order drawn on US funds in the amount of $799 dollars and make it out and mail to:

Judith Hanson Lasater
156 Madrone Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94127

Additionally, please send with your check your email address so you will be able to receive updates about the workshops and a list of reading assignments to complete to prepare you for the course. If you have already signed up, please send your email address immediately to: Thank you.


Housing and Meals

Contact Mount Madonna Center directly


If you are sleeping on-site, arrival starts at 4 pm on Sunday, January 10, 2016.

Classes are Monday - Friday

After breakfast, there will be 5 hours of class time each day, beginning at 10 AM, then a break for lunch, an afternoon session followed by dinner each day.

Departure is either at 6:30 PM after dinner on Friday, or you can book a room for Friday night and then leave after brunch on Saturday.


Cancellation Policy

Cancellation for Experiential Anatomy before December 10th will be subject to a $100 administration fee. All cancellations made on or after December 10th are non-refundable and non-transferable (unless your spot can be filled from the waiting list for this workshop.) Exceptions to this policy cannot be made for any reason, including weather, illness, or personal emergencies.